Regarding the doubts that some have regarding the date of celebration of the Venerable Anastasia, the mother of Saint Sava, we can say the following:

The oldest transcript of the Hilandar Typikon (3rd decade of the 13th century) says that “the day of remembrance of the blessed Anastasia the nun” falls “in the month of June 21” (see: Hilandar Typikon. Manuscript CHIL AS 156, ed. D. Bogdanović, Belgrade, 1995, p. 87). The only surviving transcript of the Studenički tipik (manuscript IX Х 8 [Ш 10]) was transcribed by the monk Averkije of Hilandar in 1619 in the Upper Hermitage near Studenica (see: Saint Sava, Studenički tipik, Translation and comments: Prof. Dr. Maja Anđelković, Publisher: Manastir Studenica, 2018, pp. 92-93.). During the rewriting of Chapter 35 of the Studenica Typikon, the monk Averkije made a mistake or followed a mistake and wrote “the month of July” instead of June. This mistake is not significant because in all transcripts of the Hilandar type it is written “the month of June”. There was later another mistake made in the editions of the church calendar. Namely, although Srbljak says „мѣсѧца уна ка день“ (Srbljak, Prepared and edited by Bishop Pavle of Raska and Prizren, Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Belgrade 1986, pp. 2, 439), so June 21 according to the old calendar (July 4 according to the new calendar), the date “22. June ”(July 5 according to the new) entered the chutch calendars and it remained so until 2011 (see: Church calendar for the year 2011, published by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Belgrade 2010). This error „въ кв_и день“ (June 22) was repeated in the new edition of Menaion (Житчски и студенически минеи, мѣсѧцъ  уни / Žiča and Studenica Menaion for June, Prepared by Bishop Chrysostom of Žiča, Diocese of Žiča: Žiča Monastery and Studenica Monastery, Kraljevo 2007, pp. 252, 455) but was finally corrected in the church calendar in 2012, where it says “21. June “, ie. July 4 according to the new calendar (Church calendar for the year 2012, published by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Belgrade 2011). This is the case in all later calendars of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

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