The ktetorial Slava of Studenica Monastery

Today, February 26, 2022, when the Holy, Congregational and Apostolic Church celebrates our Venerable father Simeon the Myrrh-streaming (Myroblytos), the Holy Archbishop’s Liturgy was served at the Studenica Monastery. It was conducted by the Bishop of Žiča, Justin, with the concurrence of the abbot of the Studenica Monastery, Archimandrite Tikhon (Rakićević), Archimandrite Damjan (Cvetković), Eparchy board secretary, Archimandrite Timotej (Milivojević), abbot of the Ascension Monastery, Hieromonk Agatangel (Budišin) from Minsk, Hieromonk Vitalije (Milošević), a member of the Studenica Monastery brotherhood, archpriest Ivan Radovanović, treasurer of the Eparchy board, archpriest Aleksandar Grujović and deacon Stefan Simić. Traditionally, the monks of our Eparchy also gathered in large numbers.

In the Holy Community of Studenica Monastery we have gathered in joy of the Eucharist in large number, in the blessing and chanting of the Liturgy, around our Bishop and Father Justin.

During the Holy Liturgy, after the reading of the Holy Gospel, Bishop Justin addressed us with an appropriate sermon. The bishop first congratulated the abbot, Father Tikhon and the brothers, and then the present faithful people and the entire Serbian nation, referring to the importance of the progenitor Saint Simeon the the Myrrh-streaming and the very path of the saint and the Holy Line of Nemanjić dinasty. Saint Simeon followed that narrow path to the Lord and aspired to the Heavenly Kingdom and not to the earthly and perishable kingdom. We should follow the examples of our saints and walk that path, which is not at all easy but narrow and difficult, but with great hope for the Resurrection.

Today, our Church remembers and prays for those who fell asleep in the hope of Resurrection and eternal life. Holy Communion was attended by a large number of faithful people and children, in whom we hope that they will be the heirs of our holy ancestors. At the end of the Holy Liturgy, a celebratory bread was cut, and after the end, a special christian feast (agape) was prepared. In the Life of Saint Simeon, written by our father Sava, it stands:

Let it be known of this blessed father of ours and consolidator the LordSimeon, of his birth to his repose. He was born in Zeta, Ribnica and received Holy baptism there. When this young child117 arrived here, a Bishop of the Church ofthe Holy Apostles prayed over him and anointed him with the Holy Chrism, a Holy sacrament and the child received a second Christening.Everything was exceptional about this husband: as a childhe had two Christenings and again when he received the monastictonsure – the micro and megalo schema. And again, even after hisrepose, his honorable body was buried twice, the first time onMount Athos where he fell asleep in the Lord, and again taken fromthere and translated here, where for a second time his holy relicsare placed with all glorious praise into the grave.Since his birth, forty six years, he immediately received the ruleupon God’s providence. And he remained a ruler for thirty sevenyears, thereafter receiving the angelic likeness in being tonsured amonk, living his life for three years as a monk. His life lasted eightysix years. And the introduction of the blessed father and consolidatorSire Simeon took place in the year 6708 [1200]118, in themonth of February, on day thirteenth he transcended into the eternal bliss.

The significance and magnitude of this holiday for us Orthodox Christians has enormous importance for the Serbian people who today celebrate the progenitor of our nation. We do not want to be biased, but we can freely rejoice that God gave us a holy lineage from which we celebrate the father of the Serbian nation.

Saint Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović said: the Serbian state was created and founded by the saints of God, is there anything greater than that?

Reader Petar Đerković

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Манастир Студеница,
Брезова 10б
36343 Краљево

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