South portal of the Church of the Mother of God in Studenica, around 1190.
The mythological being basilisk, detail of the altar triple-light window, the Church of the Mother of God, around 1190.
The dragon devours a human figure, a detail of the altar triple-light window, the Church of the Mother of God, around 1190.
Lamb with a cross, detail of the altar triple-light window, Church of the Mother of God, around 1190.
The Most Holy Mother of God, a detail of a marble sculpture above the western entrance to the Church of the Mother of God, around 1190.
The Crucifixion of Christ, fresco in the nave of the Church of the Mother of God, 1208/1209.
Queen Simonis, detail of the fresco, King's Church in Studenica, around 1314.
Frescoes in the altar apse of the Church of the Mother of God, 1208/1209.

For contributions and donations to the Monastery in dinars:

Banca Intesa

Studenica Monastery,
Brezova 10b
36343 Kraljevo

Instructions for payments from abroad

Reservations and accommodation for the guests of the Studenica Monastery

For reservations and accommodation for guests at the guesthouse of the Studenica Monastery, prior notice is required by phone +381 64 646 7492 or via e-mail:
All individual and group visits to the Monastery are provided with the expert guidance of the curator.
Visits are allowed from 8 am to 5 pm.
Please announce group visits by phone +381 64 646 7492 or via e-mail:

За прилоге и донације Манастиру у динарима:

Banca Intesa

Манастир Студеница,
Брезова 10б
36343 Краљево

Инструкције за уплате из иностранства


Посете Манастиру одвијају се уз обезбеђено стручно вођење кустоса.

Посете су дозвољене у времену од 8 до 17 часова. Молимо Вас да најавите групне посете на телефон +381 64 646 7492 или путем е-адресе:

За могућност одседања у Конаку за госте Манастира Студенице обратите се на број телефона +381 64 646 7492 или путем е-адресе: