700 years since the death of the founder of the King’s Church in Studenica Monastery Works on this temple – 2021

 In the year when we celebrate seven centuries since the death of Saint King Milutin (1321), conservation and restoration work is taking place in the Studenica monastery on the church of Saints Joachim and Ana, better known as the “King’s Church” after its founder, King Milutin. This year’s activities include remedial works on the drainage of underground and atmospheric water around the church, conservation and restoration works on the facades, the tambour of the dome and elements of the architectural sculpture, the replacement of the lead roof, as well as on the ground floor decoration. In order to carry out works on the restoration of the facades of the church, preventive measures are being taken to protect the extremely valuable paintings created in the second decade of the 14th century. Additional architectural research is underway, the results of which will contribute to a more complete knowledge and more faithful presentation of this small, but extremely precious church. Her fresco-painting, among other values, contributed to the Studenica monastery being included in the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

The King’s Church in Studenica was built in 1314. Its wall painting was executed by Mihailo and Evtihije, painters who, at the request of King Milutin, decorated with frescoes his endowments of Bogorodica Ljeviška, Prohor Pčinjski, Staro Nagoričino, Gračanica, and the church of Saint Nikita near Skopje. The King’s Church, the smallest among Milutin’s endowments, has a special place due to the importance of harmonious architectural achievement and overall artistic reach, nobility of expression, extraordinary color and high values ​​of the style of wall painting. The works are carried out by the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia – Belgrade.

For contributions and donations to the Monastery in dinars:

Banca Intesa

Studenica Monastery,
Brezova 10b
36343 Kraljevo

Instructions for payments from abroad

Reservations and accommodation for the guests of the Studenica Monastery

For reservations and accommodation for guests at the guesthouse of the Studenica Monastery, prior notice is required by phone +381 64 646 7492 or via e-mail: konakstudenica@gmail.com
All individual and group visits to the Monastery are provided with the expert guidance of the curator.
Visits are allowed from 8 am to 5 pm.
Please announce group visits by phone +381 64 646 7492 or via e-mail: konakstudenica@gmail.com

За прилоге и донације Манастиру у динарима:

Banca Intesa

Манастир Студеница,
Брезова 10б
36343 Краљево

Инструкције за уплате из иностранства


Посете Манастиру одвијају се уз обезбеђено стручно вођење кустоса.

Посете су дозвољене у времену од 8 до 17 часова. Молимо Вас да најавите групне посете на телефон +381 64 646 7492 или путем е-адресе: konakstudenica@gmail.com.

За могућност одседања у Конаку за госте Манастира Студенице обратите се на број телефона +381 64 646 7492 или путем е-адресе: konakstudenica@gmail.com